At the end of each school year I am left with a phone full of pictures from our year of homeschooling….photos from field trips, nature outings, our co-op, Mother-Daughter book club, and “special days” such as the 100th Day of School. I want us all to remember these special moments from our school year, so I create a photo book via Shutterfly. It’s a fun opportunity for me to use my creativity to design a special keepsake for my family. The kids LOVE looking through these books several times during the year, and I love having them to look at to remind me of how far we’ve come! (They really are learning most days! Ha!)
If you’d like to take a peek inside our 2018-2019 year, click the link below!

2018-2019 Huston’s Homeschool Photo Book
(via Shutterfly)