Testing, Testing…1, 2, 3

Hello? Hello? Testing, testing…1, 2, 3. Is this thing on?

Welcome to my little sliver of the world wide web! After much prodding from friends and family to begin a blog where I can share my homeschooling experiences with you, I am excited to finally have things in place where I can be doing just that. There are a lot of pages set up on my website where you can explore various topics based on what fits your needs and lifestyle right now. Want to learn more about how to get started with Homeschooling? Check out my Homeschool Resources.

The first place I want to point you to, though, is my About page where you can find out more about my story and why I began this website in the first place.

So, grab a cup of caffeine and join me for a chat!

Chit-Chat: What topic are you hoping to hear more about? What suggestions do you have for future blog posts? Leave a comment below!

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About Renee Huston

Renee Huston has a passion for helping parents create a homeschooling culture in their home where the children are thriving and the parents are savoring their time together as a family. She has also created a health and wellness business and would love to help empower you to make wise decisions for you and your family.