Savoring or Surviving?

With nine days into 2019, I hope the fresh start of January that everyone longs for has been a deep breath to your soul. For me, the first few days of the New Year were filled with excitement and watching God move in amazing ways. Yesterday I got to see an article I wrote for Wild + Free published in their monthly magazine! There in the centerfold was a giant picture of my three kids and the words I had so carefully mulled over. It was a joy to be given the opportunity to write for them and so fun to see my words broadcasted over such a public platform. My 5th grade teacher, Mr. McLaughlin would be so proud. All those Creative Writing contests I won in his class. (I must have been the only one submitting stories week after week.) I used to write a ton when I was in elementary school, and now, nearly 30 years later, I’m happy to get back into writing more frequently.

I was able to use some photographs that Bekah Maka had previously taken for us, which filled the article with such beauty. I’m honored to share it with you and pray that it fills you with hope as you savor your homeschooling day. If you are not a homeschooler, I hope you apply these suggestions to your children as you spend time with them in the evenings after school or on the weekends. May we all savor our time with our children, no matter when, how or what that time looks like in each individual family.

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About Renee Huston

Renee Huston has a passion for helping parents create a homeschooling culture in their home where the children are thriving and the parents are savoring their time together as a family. She has also created a health and wellness business and would love to help empower you to make wise decisions for you and your family.

3 comments on “Savoring or Surviving?

  1. Congratulations Renee! So very exciting! I love the title and I’m sure I’ll enjoy the contents of your book!

  2. Oh my goodness! I can’t wait to sit down and read alll of this! You are nothing short of fabulous!!! Congratulations!!!

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