Interviewing Your Kids

I’ve never really taken the time to ask my kids specific questions before the school year begins. I basically know their likes and dislikes, as far as school subjects go. But this school year I decided to ask a few poignant questions (thanks to a Master Class I took from Sarah Mackenzie) and were completely surprised by some of their answers! I’d encourage you to ask your kids similar questions before the start of this school year, whether you are homeschooling or not. You might find some helpful insights into their little minds that will help you navigate this school year better for them.

1. If you could learn about anything, what would it be? (Apparently I’ll be teaching my kids about roadrunners this year. Who knew that was a topic of interest for them?!)

2. What is your favorite and least favorite part of the school day?

3. What is the most frustrating part about school? (One of my children stated that the most frustrating part of school is their siblings! They would much rather do independent work, away from distractions. So we’re in the middle of setting up some separate spaces around the house where this child can go to work independently.)

4. What do you wish we did more of in school? (My kids’ answers to this question took me off guard. ALL THREE of them said they want more crafts and drawing. I never knew that was so important to all of them.)

After having this discussion with my kids, I’m heading into planning for this school year with new eyes and a new focus. I’m not trying to orchestrate our whole year to center around the topics they want to learn. But doing something easy like inserting a craft day every so often would be a welcome interest for them. I’d encourage you to see what you kids’ responses are to these four questions. Their answers might surprise you!

As for me, I’m off to browse pinterest for “roadrunner craft” ideas.

CHIT-CHAT: What surprised you most about your kids’ answers?

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About Renee Huston

Renee Huston has a passion for helping parents create a homeschooling culture in their home where the children are thriving and the parents are savoring their time together as a family. She has also created a health and wellness business and would love to help empower you to make wise decisions for you and your family.